My Dear Child, I see you. I see the heaviness in your heart, the tears you try to hold back, and the moments when sadness feels like too much to carry. I know the pain you don’t always share, the sorrow that lingers even when you try to move forward. You may feel like no one truly understands, like you are all alone in what you are going through. But hear me now, my child—I am with you. I have never left you, not for a moment. Come to me. Bring your sadness, your weariness, and even the questions that don’t have answers. You don’t have to pretend to be okay with me. You don’t have to be strong. Just … Read More
Love Letters from GOD: When You Are Broken
My Beloved Child, I see you. I see the weight you carry, the tears you have shed in the silence of the night, the ache in your heart that words cannot express. I know your pain, and I want you to know that you are not alone. I am near. Closer than your breath, nearer than your deepest sorrow. When your heart is shattered, I do not stand at a distance—I come close, wrapping you in my presence. You may not always feel me, but I am here, whispering my love into the depths of your soul. The world may have let you down. People may have left, dreams may have crumbled, and hope may seem like a distant memory. … Read More
Disipleship: Commitment Escalation
How many of you feel a little queasy when you hear the word “commitment”? It is like the boogeyman of adult life. You think you have dodged it with your “I will think about it” or “Maybe next week,” but then, bam! It sneaks up on you like a surprise birthday party you didn’t want. Suddenly, you are committed to everything from a gym membership you will use twice to a book club where you have only read the back cover. But let’s be honest. If we can commit to binge-watching a series in one night or devouring a third slice of pizza, maybe, just maybe, we can commit to something that actually grows our life and soul. Like, I … Read More
Christ-like Living
Sunday January 12, 2025. Christianity is often said to be not just a religion but a way of life. That our faith should influence not only what we believe but also how we act every day. As James 1:22 urges us, “we are to be doers of the Word, not hearers only.” For this, today, we are learning about Christ-like Living, or behavior, as we address the subject of the “evidence of our faith.” This is about genuinely living out our beliefs, not merely saying one thing while doing another. This involves every aspect of our lives, shaping how we manage our resources, relationships, and daily life challenges. Each decision we make should reflect our commitment to live like Christ. … Read More
Named by God
Sunday January 5th, 2025 “Who are you?” If someone asked you this question, where would you begin? Would you start with your name, gender, or job title? Maybe you would list the roles you fulfill—spouse, parent, friend—or describe parts of your personality and experiences that feel most authentic to you. In today’s culture, identity is a central focus—defining who we are and how others perceive us. We are constantly encouraged to “find ourselves” or “live our truth.” While this pursuit can foster self-expression, the challenge is that identity is often shaped by shifting feelings rather than enduring truth. Feelings are valuable, but they are also fleeting and unreliable. What happens when our feelings change? Basing our identity on emotions can … Read More