No Room for Fear

New World UMCPastor's Blog

No Room for Fear
I was listening to a song by Zach Williams one morning entitled, “Fear is A Liar,” As I listened, I began to wonder how often we allow fear to interfere in our lives. I say this because in my own experience, I can recall the many times I’ve allowed fear to interfere. The song is true, fear is a liar. Fear tells us that something we’re striving for is too much for us, too difficult for us or something we don’t deserve. Fear teaches us to be wary of the new, or that which is out of the norm, or challenging. Fear causes us to see these things as obstacles instead of opportunities. Fear causes us to run when we need to dig in. Fear tells us lies about us those who are different. Fear pulls us away from that which would ultimately do us good. And sometimes, fear keeps us from going where God is leading. So, I’ve decided to draw a line in the sand. I don’t have any more ground to give and I don’t have any more room for fear. I refuse to give in to the fears that seek to confine, limit or control. I refuse to allow fear to keep me from fully embracing God’s call or going wherever God leads. With God’s help, I will no longer allow fear to interfere. Scripture reminds us that “perfect love casts out fear,” or as the New Living Translation says, “perfect love expels all fear.” (1 John 4:18). This verse goes on to say, “If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced [God’s] perfect love.” Friends, as we grow to understand what it means to be in relationship with God, we come to know our value, our gifts and our power. We are made perfect or made whole by God’s love. This amazing love leaves no room for fear. We are empowered by this love to live fearlessly. Let’s serve fear an eviction notice and boldly follow where the Lord leads. Zach Williams’ song goes on to say, “Cast your fear in the fire, because fear is a liar.” He’s right, there’s simply no more room for fear.

Be encouraged,
Pastor Lucretia