Our Children Need to Know Jesus

New World UMCNews & Events

We prayed for a children’s director who would bring in more children for us to minister too. We prayed for the money to pay a children’s director. God answered those prayers. Stacey feels called to this ministry and drives a long way to serve in this church. Five new families with children are now attending regularly. She and Virgil have begun a new bus ministry which delivers 3 to 10 children to our doors each Sunday morning. Thanks to volunteers the children are served breakfast each week and their parents are getting connected via a small group and attending Worship. Praises to God!
The children are here to learn about Jesus. But Stacy can not do this alone. We the village of New World need to hear God calling us to step up and help. There is a need for a couple of volunteers to help with activities she has planned each Sunday. Times and needs vary. It would be helpful to have a volunteer team who would help on one Sunday a month. That means 4 teams and each volunteer to work 1 hour each month, that’s only 12 hours a year.! We need men and women and youth to join a team. Experience is great, but anyone can learn to help in someway. In addition our preschoolers need teachers.
Please pray for discernment to see if God is asking you to step up. There will be more details and a volunteer form waiting for you at a table in the Welcome Center. Thank you for praying for our children, now let’s share Jesus with them.