Encanto – The Gift

New World UMCPastor's Blog

Today, I want to speak about the gift of family (familia in Spanish). I am not speaking only to husbands or wives or children or what some of us may consider the traditional family. You may be a single parent, have children, siblings or not. So, when I say family, it should apply to you, whatever your current reality may be. Have you thought about your family as a gift? “Depending on the time of the day or what they are doing or not doing,” you may be thinking. I won’t argue with that, fair thought. I know family can sometimes be aggravating and feel more like a curse than a gift. In the family, we can feel all the … Read More

Changed for Good

New World UMCPastor's Blog

Have you ever been told: “You have changed.” Sometimes that means a good compliment, other times a criticism. I remember when I was young and getting serious in my faith journey, some of my friends noticed I was changing. I guess the way I talked and behaved gave me away. So, they would ask me about it, and I would simply say that God was changing me. Some were curious and asked me more about it, while others distanced themselves from me (you know, it could be contagious, why risk it!). Not everyone liked the change that was happening to me (even though it was good for me), but those who appreciated it were happy for me. Here is what … Read More

My Circus, My Monkeys

New World UMCPastor's Blog

What would you do if you had all the power in the world? Would you be generous in helping people or a tyrant that does as he/she pleases? This question about power may provoke the best of our generosity and self-giving or the worst of our ambition and greed. Most people think they don’t have power unless they are rich or famous, but everyone has power. Each of us has a great deal of power to make the world a better or worse place. Did you know that? Yes, you have the power of speech and deed. The way you choose to live your life in relation to those around you will make things better or not. The language you … Read More

Don’t Walk Away

New World UMCPastor's Blog

Have you ever been so disappointed in a relationship that you decided it was better to walk away? Sometimes that is the right course of action for sure—even more so if your health or life is at risk. But what about when we are tempted to walk away from our faith because things don’t seem to be going the way wanted them? Many people struggle with keeping their faith and are tempted to walk away from it because of disappointments. This happens, for example, when God does not answer our prayers the way we expect or get confused about the value of our beliefs. Today’s message is about some disciples walking back home after Jesus was crucified, wondering what all … Read More

It Gets Better

New World UMCPastor's Blog

So many times, we get overwhelmed when plans and dreams don’t go our way, and we end up disappointed, perhaps even broken –figuratively and literally. And at such times, some give up and decide to renounce what they were confident was God’s plan for them and stop working for it. Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever experienced unexpected change, and you had no idea if it would make things better or worse in your life? So often, we side with the latter: How can change be any good, right? This morning, I am talking about those unexpected moments when things change so fast that we don’t even have time to make sense of it. In such times, … Read More