Still the Storm

New World UMCPastor's Blog

Still the Storm
The devastation in the Bahamas in the wake of hurricane Dorian is heartbreaking. It is difficult to see those who have lost everything and even more painful when there is loss of life. Storms have a way of wreaking havoc and leaving a mess. Storms have a way of making us feel helpless and out of control. This is true of the storms in nature and it is also true of the storms of life. The storms of relationship problems, family pressure, finances, health challenges, job related issues, and others. Storms rage and leave us trembling in their wake. The reality is, there will be more hurricanes, and there will be more storms in our lives. The issue is how we respond. Jesus provides some insight in handling storms. In Mark 6 he is with the disciples crossing a lake when a storm comes out of nowhere. The disciples are in a panic, but Jesus is asleep. They awaken him, he calms the storm and says to them, “Have you still no faith?” It’s a fascinating question and there is much debate about what Jesus means. Perhaps it’s the question we must raise in our own situations. What does faith in the storm look like? Do we believe Jesus is with us in the storm? The disciples panicked. Jesus went to sleep. This seems to me an invitation to rest in his peace even in the storm, to say in every circumstance, “Peace! Be still!” The good news is, we have avenues of reaching out to help those affected by the hurricane. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is one. Let’s consider sharing our gifts to aid those whose lives are in chaos. For the storms that rage in our lives, let’s walk more closely with the one who is able to still the storm.