Let Us Pray

New World UMCPastor's Blog

Let Us Pray
Friends, I must admit I am at a loss for words. The tragic events of this past week dominate my thoughts and I am certain that I am not alone. To be honest, words fail me. I am left to wonder if there is anything to be said that would be meaningful. How can we make sense of the violence and senselessness of mass shootings? To tell people to pray sounds spiritual, like the thing a pastor should say, but it rings hollow. To send our thoughts and prayers to El Paso and Dayton sounds trite. We have prayed, we have been praying and yet it seems that evil continues to thrive. This week has been a struggle for me. I have been angry. I have been heartbroken. I have asked God why. The truth is, I have not wanted to pray. I have not wanted to encourage others and tell them it will be all right when I am uncertain that it will be.
I am convinced it will take more than prayer to see real change. I am convinced that gun laws must change in this country. I am convinced that white supremacy must be confronted for the evil that it is. I am convinced that our leaders must be held accountable for their actions and their words. I find it interesting that all of this has led me right back to prayer. I must acknowledge that prayer is vital. However, my prayers must take on a different focus now. Yes, I am praying for comfort for those who are mourning. Yes, I am praying for peace and love. But I’m praying now for the action I must take. I am praying because I need God’s direction to know where to begin and how to become involved. I am praying for strength to do the work of justice. I am praying for God’s Spirit to empower, encourage, and equip the church to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with the Lord. I am not going to neglect to pray, neither should you. But understand, prayer is only the beginning. So, now, let us pray.