Standing on God’s Promises

New World UMCPastor's Blog

Dear Church Family, One of the most well-known and fascinating stories from the Bible is the story of Joseph of Egypt. His story is told in Genesis (37-50). Joseph, one of the thirteen sons of Jacob, was hated by his envious brothers, who seized him and sold him as a slave to Egypt. There, he rose as a trustworthy servant, was lied about and thrown to jail for years, and then was summoned by Pharaoh to help him save Egypt from calamity. Joseph had spiritual gifts and wisdom, and everywhere he went and everything he was involved with prospered. Why was that? Joseph was a blessing to many despite the hardships he endured due to the promise God made to … Read More

Am I Saved?

New World UMCPastor's Blog

Am I saved? Meaning, am I going to heaven after I die? Have you asked yourself this question? What do you think? How do you feel about it? Sometimes we ask the question because it is hard to believe God would forgive us after everything we have done. For others, there comes a time when we simply realize that life is more than flesh, food, clothe, and all the stuff that we invest our life pursuing, and we ask the question: What’s next, what’s the meaning of life? Am I part of something bigger than myself? If so, what is it? This pondering is natural because we were not created for death but eternal life. So, I hope you are … Read More

Be A Sticker

New World UMCPastor's Blog

Life can be a battle. We go through difficult seasons where it is hard to believe and feel confident about our future. Some of those times, we may even question our faith or give up on it. You know what I am talking about. We all go through bad seasons of either hardship or lacking of any kind—not just material: our mental and physical health is not well, our relationships are in disarray, our children don’t listen to us, we may be misjudged by others or let down by the people we trusted most, we are tired of constantly struggling with our finances. And, on top of all that, we may not feel God’s presence in our lives. These are … Read More

Welcome to Mariel Vela

New World UMCPastor's Blog

We are pleased to share with you that on October 11th, Mariel Vela will join New World UMC as the Director of Worship Ministries and Gara Stark will assume a new role as the Minister of Congregational Care. As the Director of Worship Ministries, Mariel Vela, will be responsible for organizing and leading the Sunday Worship service. She will also be supporting the development and integration of the children and youth worship ministries as part of the church’s life. Mariel has years of experience developing worship ministries as well as training worship leaders (children, youth, and adults). She also works at the North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church as an Administrative Assistant and Graphic Designer. Here is a … Read More

Our Divine Tasks

New World UMCPastor's Blog

When you hear the word “sacrifice,” what comes to mind? Is it a positive image or a dreadful one? I guess it depends on the context and who is making the sacrifice. For most people, when they think of sacrifice, it is a pain that comes to mind. For some, it is a reluctant pain, while for others, dutiful grief. One is forcefully sacrificing because they are not given a choice, and the other is martyrdom for the sake of others because they have to. Have any of you ever related sacrifice with joy or fulfillment? Jesus did. This has to do with his commandment when he said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The … Read More