50th Anniversary News

New World UMCNews & Events

Have you gone to our web page, liked it and asked your Facebook friends to check it out? (New World UMC 50th Anniversary on Facebook or newworldumc.org on the web) Please do so. We are posting up to date information to share with you and everyone else we can spread it to. Your help is needed to spread the word of our anniversary celebration. Reach out and invite former members, any children or youth who who were mentored in their faith here, and anyone you know who was on staff. Here’s the basics.

Saturday, April 27th, 6:30 in the MAC ( gym)
Reunion Party for all,Celebrating Passing Our Faith On to the Next Generation
Childcare Activities will be provided.
Join us for fun, food, family, music, and memories.

Sunday, April 28th, Rev. Adam Hamilton guest preacher
10:00 Worship, 11:15 Reception in the MAC, 12:30 Worship
You can come to Worship and be received or be received and then Worship.

*Be sure to order your official tee shirt this Sunday in the Welcome Center.

*We are going to need a lot of help. Ways you can help, will be published soon!