Christmas Giving

New World UMCPastor's Blog

The Christmas season is upon us! What a blessing to experience the hope, love, joy and peace the birth of Christ offers us. I want to express my appreciation for your faithfulness to New World Church through your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.
We have been blessed this past year with many changes. We have a new youth director who is passionate about ministry with our youth. Our children’s church continues to expand. Our facilities have a new look. Our worship service has a new vibe. Our church has a new vision and mission:
New World Church: Modern, Christ-Centered Community
We are a welcoming, loving safe place to worship God and serve others. We are called to impact our community with the love of Jesus through prayer, inspirational teaching, powerful music and outreach.
It is our goal in 2019 to live into this vision for our church. We are working on the launch of a second worship experience, on new opportunities for spiritual growth and bible study, and seeking ways to expand the ministries of prayer, hospitality, missions, and our day school. We want to position ourselves to be a diverse, multi-generational congregation.
In 2019, New World will celebrate 50 years of ministry. This is truly a blessing and a joy. In recognition of God’s faithfulness for 50 years, and in the spirit of the season, would you consider giving a special gift in a multiple of 5? That is $25.00 $50.00 or $100.00 for our Christmas Eve offering.
This year’s offering will go towards our apportionments and for use in the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. Thank you for prayerfully considering your gift to New World Church to help us continue to be faithful to the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Pastor Lucretia